Monday 3 December 2007

Testicle-shrinking bodybuilding drugs

It's believed that tens of thousands of people, mainly men, in the UK are using anabolic steroids to enhance their muscles and their performance at the gym. There's growing concern that it's not just adults, but also teenage boys who are turning to steroids in an attempt to pump up their bodies.

Most of those who use the drugs are completely unaware of the side effects, which include some pretty alarming risks for male fertility. The drugs can cause the testicles to shrink and shrivel up. Sperm production slows down, or can come to a complete halt. What's more alarming, in long-term users these effects may not always be reversible once the drugs are stopped.

Having an excessively muscular body isn't everyone's cup of tea, but more awareness is needed of the dangers of using bodybuilding drugs to achieve that.

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