Thursday 7 February 2008

Considering donor insemination?

Women considering donor insemination may find it interesting to visit one of the evening seminars organised by the London Women's Clinic. Titled "Inseminar", the sessions are open to anyone, and provide a really useful insight into the practicalities of using donor sperm for patients. There are talks from the clinic's Medical Director, the Head of Nursing, the Sperm Bank Managers and the Legal Adviser.

I attended one of the seminars last night, and was impressed by the broad range of information on offer, from detailed explanations about pre-treatment testing to an in-depth discussion about the recruitment of sperm donors and the checks and safeguards built into the system. The London Women's Clinic was one of the first to offer treatment to single women and lesbian couples, and although there were some men present, the seminar may be of particular value for single women and lesbian couples, particularly the legal adviser's comprehensive overview of how the law works when donor sperm is used in these situations.

There's lots of valuable information on offer, whether you're considering having treatment at this particular clinic or not, and some advice from other women on the practicalities can be found in my book The Complete Guide to Female Fertility

More Inseminars are planned, and not just in London but also in Cardiff, and anyone interested in attending can find more information here

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