Friday, 15 February 2008

Ectopic pregnancy help and advice

Anyone who has personal experience of an ectopic pregnancy knows how devastating this can be, and how essential it is to get the right information and diagnosis in time.

An ectopic pregnany occurs when a fertilised egg implants outside the womb, usually in the fallopian tube. As it grows, it stretches the walls of the tube, and this can be very painful. If it is not diagnosed, it can rupture the tube causing severe pain and bleeding. A ruptured ectopic is potentially very dangerous.

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust offers information, support and advice, and is a valuable resource for medical staff as well as individuals who have had an ectopic and their friends and families.

The Trust has recently moved to a new base at King's College Hospital and will be celebrating a tenth anniversary this year.

You can find the trust's website at

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