Thursday, 21 February 2008

Give your thoughts on treatment abroad

Infertility Network UK is carrying out a survey to try to find out what people think about travelling overseas for treatment. More and more patients are now visiting clinics abroad, but there has been very little research in the field.

The survey isn't just for people who have already had treatment abroad, or for those who are actively considering it, but is open to everyone as Infertility Network UK are just as interested in finding out why some people wouldn't see it as a viable option.

The survey will only take a few minutes to complete - and there is a chance to give a more detailed response if you'd like. The findings will be used to produce information to help other patients who may be thinking of travelling abroad, and to raise awareness of the issue in the media.

If you could spare a few minutes, you can find the survey on the Infertility Network UK website here

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