Monday, 4 February 2008

Miscarriage support

Losing a baby during pregnancy is devastating for anyone, but when you've been waiting a long time to get pregnant in the first place, or have been through fertility treatment first, it can seem completely overwhelming. Anyone who has experienced both infertility and pregnancy loss will be aware of the whole range of emotions that this can bring, and the feelings of isolation, hopelessness and failure.

It can seem as if you are all alone, but there is help and support if you need it. You may usually rely on your partner for emotional support, but at this time it is sometimes very difficult for them too, and you may deal with the experience in different ways. Friends may not seem to understand at all, and it is certainly worth considering seeking professional counselling even if you usually think it's not for you. Alternatively, you may want to see support from The Miscarriage Association who can offer practical advice, help and support as well as a range of leaflets that may help.

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