Wednesday 17 June 2009

Call for electronic tagging in IVF labs

A leading fertility expert has told The Times that all fertility clinics should be using electronic tagging systems to prevent mistakes in laboratories after news of a mix up in Cardiff. The last frozen embryo belonging to a couple was accidentally put into the womb of another woman, who was then given the morning after pill to prevent a pregnancy.

Gedis Grudzinskas told The Times that the use of electronic tags to track embryos, eggs and sperm samples should be mandatory. He believes it would reduce the risk of accidents and said that the HFEA should insist that all clinics install tagging systems. At the moment, many clinics use a system of witnessing where two members of staff have to check whenever samples are moved around the laboratory. Despite this, there have still been a number of errors.

In the case in Wales, a trainee embryologist was blamed for the mistake where proper witnessing procedures were not followed, but it may lead to more calls for electronic tagging to reduce the risk of mix ups.

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