Sunday 8 August 2010

Pregnancy after miscarriage

How soon can you try to get pregnant again after a miscarriage? The conventional wisdom has been that women should wait for at least six months, and some recommend waiting as long as eighteen months. However, others have always believed that trying to get pregnant again as soon as possible could in fact enhance a woman’s chances of recovery.

This new study in Scotland looked at the outcome of pregnancy in women who’d had a previous miscarriage. The women were divided into groups depending on how long they had waited to try to get pregnant again. The researchers at Aberdeen University found that those who had conceived within six months of an earlier miscarriage were less likely to lose another baby or to have an ectopic pregnancy, and they were also less likely to give birth prematurely or have a baby with a low birth weight.

The researchers concluded that it was probably unncessary for women to try to delay conception after miscarriage unless there are specific issues that may indicate it is necessary. You can read more about the research at

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