Friday 3 February 2012

Over 50s have no increased risk using donor eggs

New research from the States suggests that women over the age of 50 who use donor eggs to get pregnant have no more complications than younger egg recipients. Older women are generally thought to be at greater risk of pregnancy complications such as diabetes, premature birth, placenta abnormalities and hypertension, but this study looked at 100 women who were over 50 and compared them with women who were under 42. In fact, the rates of gestational diabetes, hypertension, Caesarean delivery and premature birth were similar for women in both age groups.

Although there is a greater risk of obstetric complications for anyone using donor eggs, these don't seem to increase in older women. The study is published this month in the American Journal of Perinatology. You can read more about it on the Columbia University Medical Center website.

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