Friday 16 March 2012

Healthy diet, healthy sperm...

New research from the States has found that men who have a diet high in saturated fat have considerably lower sperm counts. The researchers followed men attending a fertility clinic and analysed their diet and their sperm over a period of time. It became clear that those who ate more unsaturated fat had markedly lower sperm counts than average, and that those who had diets which were high in omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and plant oils, had higher sperm counts. However, it is important to note that many of those who ate more saturated fat were also overweight, and many of the participants in the study were classified as obese and this could also be playing a part.

What is very apparent is that maintaining a healthy diet and keeping within normal weight parameters is definitely important when it comes to male fertility. All too often, it is assumed that women are the ones who need to make all the lifestyle changes when a couple experiences difficulty conceiving, but this research shows that men need to make just as much effort!

You can find details of the study, published in Human Reproduction, here

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