Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Surrogacy laws

Anyone who is either considering surrogacy, or has an interest in the subject, may be interested to read an online commentary on the subject written by solicitor Natalie Gamble, who specialises in fertility law.

Writing for BioNews, published by Progress Educational Trust, she puts a strong case for changes needed to the current surrogacy law. She explains how the "intended parents" - that is those who wish to have the child - are currently not considered the legal parents at birth, and explains why this makes things difficult. With more and more people travelling abroad for surrogacy arrangements which can be cheaper and easier to arrange outside the UK, she also details why this can cause real problems for both parents and for the child concerned. You can read her commentary at www.bionews.org.uk

1 comment:

surrogacy said...

it is true,The laws on surrogacy vary from place to place