Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Fertility support

I've been facilitating a number of support groups in the last few months, and have also attended some too, and at the end of every meeting I go to, I am more convinced that meeting other people in the flesh is hugely helpful to anyone experiencing fertility problems.

Online support has grown so much in recent years that most clinics have completely given up on the idea of providing a support group for patients - with one or two notable exceptions! It's a great shame, as although patients want good success rates, they also want to feel supported. Too often, patients come to the group with stories of insensitivity and lack of understanding from clinic staff. It's a great shame, as these same staff are often working flat out to improve the clinic and the treatment in every way that they can, but the little things can easily get forgotten.

Chatting to someone else online can be helpful, but actually meeting someone and talking to them is a far richer experience, and can be far more rewarding. I've yet to meet anyone who went to a support group and left concluding it wasn't for them. Once you take the plunge, you may be surprised at how much you get out of it.

Details of support groups meeting in England can be found at www.infertilitynetworkuk.com

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