Tuesday 29 April 2008

The best test to predict menopause

I was particularly interested to come across some new research from the Netherlands after my last post about ovarian reserve tests. A team from the University Medical Centre in Utrecht have concluded that anti-Mullerian hormone, or AMH, is the best way to test a woman's reproductive age.

AMH is a hormone produced by the follicles in the ovary when they are still at their tiniest stage, and the levels of the hormone seem to be the surest way to predict the ovarian reserve (the number of eggs left in the ovaries) and to see how close an individual may be to the menopause. The research team studied 144 healthy, fertile volunteers, and used their AMH levels to predict their reproductive age. They concluded that AMH levels are able to predict this better than your chronological age, as women will not all reach the menopause at the same point in their lives.

The research is due to be published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, and you can read more about it at http://jcem.endojournals.org

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