Thursday 26 November 2009

Going overseas

I've been to the Central London support group for Infertility Network UK tonight, talking about fertility treatment overseas. It's a subject that always generates so much interest, whether you're keen to travel for treatment yourself or are convinced that it is all some kind of dubious exploitative racket.

We did a survey for Infertility Network UK a while back on this very subject, and found that 3/4 of those who responded were interested in travelling overseas for fertility treatment. Of those who'd been abroad already, the vast majority had been really happy with the clinic and the treatment. However, there are always stories about dubious clinics and unethical practices which it can be impossible to prove, or to categorically deny.

The thing that emerged most clearly from the survey was the importance of thorough research - talk to people, check out as much as you can online, try to find others who have been to the same place. It does seem that if you choose the right place, treatment overseas can be a wholly positive experience, but if you jump in too quickly, you may find all kinds of problems you hadn't anticipated.

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