Tuesday 17 November 2009

stuff of nightmares

Apparently a fertility specialist in the US has been accused of using his own sperm to fertilise a woman's eggs during treatment rather than her partner's sperm. The case first emerged some years ago and was settled out of court, but is now being investigated again.

When you go to a fertility clinic, so much trust is involved in letting someone else take control of your eggs, sperm and embryos. Thankfully, mix-ups are rare in our tightly regulated system here in the UK, but deliberately changing a child's genetic heritage like this is horrendous. There's more on the story here

With more and more couples travelling overseas for treatment, it is important to be aware that the rules and regulations clinics follow here are not universal. There are horror stories, like that of the clinic where embryos were "shared out" between all the patients or of another where no embryos were ever transferred during embryo transfer. If you're going abroad - do your research and make sure you are going to a reputable clinic.

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