Thursday 6 May 2010

Make a date for August

I went to the fertility information evening at Homerton Hospital in Hackney last night and would thoroughly recommend it to anyone who wants to understand more about their fertility - whether you're at the early stages of wondering whether it should be taking so long to get pregnant or further down the line of having tests and treatment.

Consultant Anil Gudi's presentation used video clips to illustrate every condition and treatment he discussed. So often medical explanations can end up leaving you more confused - but having a visual presentation of each subject, from what happens inside the female body during normal conception to how an ovary becomes polycystic was absolutely fascinating - and really gives you a much clearer idea of what is involved.

The fertility information evenings are set to run every three months - so the next one will be on the first Wednesday in August. If you're in London and you want to know more about your fertility, I'd put it in your diary right away!

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