Tuesday 18 May 2010

The mystery of the disappearing website...

Actually it's not that mysterious - my website has disappeared from cyberspace, and it's all my fault. I have been getting those "you must pay xx now if you want to maintain your website" for about the last year, and I kept thinking I must do something about it, but was also, in retrospect rather stupidly, worried that they might be some kind of phishing thing from someone other than the website host. Instead of doing the sensible thing and checking it out to make sure I was paying the right person, I put it off, and put it off and put it off... As the website was still there, I forgot about it after a while. Now it has suddenly gone, and I have a terrible feeling I am going to have to start from scratch with a new one.

Maybe it's time to see it as a fresh opportunity for a bright new website... Watch this space!

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