Monday 2 May 2011

Infertility Network UK

I finished work as a Regional Organiser for Infertility Network UK last month after almost two years as a member of staff, and many more of being involved with the charity as a trustee beforehand. If you're not familiar with I N UK, do take a look at the website - . There's so much information for anyone with an interest in fertility, from downloadable factsheets on different aspects of infertility and treatment to a funding section with a fascinating interactive map to show what the current situation for NHS-funded IVF is across the UK. There are details of events and support groups across the country as well as forums and chatrooms where you can talk to others. The charity also supports those who've been successful after treatment through ACeBabes and those who are living with involuntary childlessness through More to Life.

I have had a wonderful two years working for the charity, and it has been great to meet so many lovely people and to do a job which felt worthwhile every day. Do take a look at the website and see what Infertility Network UK can offer...

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