Thursday 3 November 2011

Are men putting their fertility at risk?

There was an interesting piece in the Evening Standard this week about the way in which men's lifestyles can put their fertility at risk. We hear so much about women risking their fertility by delaying starting their families or by dieting or by not doing this or doing too much of that. It's good to hear some home truths about male fertility for a change.

The piece was based on a talk Dr Allan Pacey is due to give at The Fertility Show this weekend, explaining how drinking, smoking, recreational drugs and processed foods have led to an increase in male infertility - and unlike women, many men are apparently reluctant to change their lifestyles.

In nearly half of all couples with fertility problems, there is a male cause and it seems that age can make a difference to male fertility too. It's alcohol, poor diet, smoking and drugs such as cannabis and cocaine that can have a really serious impact for men - so if you want a baby, it'sn not just the female partner who should be starting on a health kick...

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